What can you do with an education in ECONOMICS?
Typical skills of an Economics Major:
- Collect, organize and clean data, including the use of Internet data sources, especially governmental
- Conduct and clearly explain quantitative research and analysis
- Explain economic problems by applying economic theory
- Understand the different impacts of different economic policies on economic problems
- Understand the difference between ex-post and ex-ante analysis
- Use spreadsheets and statistical software to analyze data
- Employ statistical modeling and analyze data to expose evidence of underlying economic relationships
- Able to write and communicate orally effectively
- Knows how to search and find relevant economic information
- Can think critically about economic premises and theoretical debates
Useful Links
- The U.S. Census Bureau
- The Bureau of Economic Analysis
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Resources for Economists
- The Bureau of Labor Statistics
- National Agricultural Statistics Service
- United Nations Statistics Division
- National Center for Health Statistics
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- The Economic Report of the President
- Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)
- National Center for Education Statistics
- New Jersey Dept of Labor
- EconData.net