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Honor Societies

Every spring, deserving students are invited to be inducted into the following prestigious Honor Societies:

Beta Alpha Psi

Beta Alpha Psi is a national honors organization for Accounting and Finance majors, who have completed a minimum 30 credits and earned a minimum 3.0 GPA. As a premiere professional business and financial information organization, BAP recognizes academic excellence and complements members’ formal education by providing interaction and networking among students, faculty, and professionals. Our aim is to interact with, and learn from, professionals throughout the year, commit our time to service in the community, and enjoy each other’s company through social events and networking opportunities.

Advisor: Dr. Maria Domingo

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Beta Gamma Sigma

The College of New Jersey Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma is an honor society, the purpose of which is to encourage and reward scholarship and accomplishment among students of business and adminstration, to promote the advancement of education in the art and science of business, and to foster integrity in the conduct of business activities. Beta Gamma Sigma is the honor society for colleges accredited by AACSB International – the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. In order to be inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, a student must be in the upper 10 percent of his or her second semester sophomore (12 or more credits), junior or senior class. Beta Gamma Sigma is confident that its membership will serve as effective business and managerial leaders in the 21st century.

Advisors: Drs. Jean Brechman and Brenda Ghitulescu

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New Jersey Collegiate Business Administration Association Honor Society

In 2003, the New Jersey Collegiate Business Administration Association (NJCBAA) established a statewide honor society for students studying business at both the two and four year colleges in New Jersey. Each year, the top 1% of undergraduate students pursuing degrees in business will be extended an invitation to join this most prestigious honor society.

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Omicron Delta Epsilon – International Honor Society in Economics

To become a member of Omicron Delta Epsilon, a student must have completed at least four economics courses with an average of over 3.0 and should be at the junior level with a general scholastic average of 3.0 or better.

Advisor: Dr. Matthew Greenblatt

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School of Business

Business Building, Room 114
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628
