All incoming School of Business first-year students are matched with a sophomore, junior, or senior-level “CEO (Community Engagement Officer) Peer Mentor.” Mentors aim to ease the transition to college life by helping students become acclimated to the School of Business and TCNJ community. The mentors play a very active role in our first-year BUS 99: Business Orientation Seminar course, leading class sessions focused on building interpersonal, professional, and self-leadership skills. They also assist with our transfer seminar and our BUS 100: Professional Development courses.
In addition to working with our incoming students, the CEO Peer Mentors actively serve the community and develop relationships with School of Business students, alumni, and administration.
On August 28, 2024, 54 CEO Peer Mentors went through a half-day training program. Training consisted of Care Team Training, provided by Elizabeth Gallus, Associate Dean of Students, and a Personality Assessment – True Colors, given by Avani Rana, Director of Co-Curricular and Leadership Development. The students also reviewed Mentoring 101 and began their Group Dynamics Training. This dedicated group of students will continue training and honing their skills throughout the semester.